We work to protect the air you breathe, the water you drink and the land you love.

Get involved, and protect the Idaho you love!

Make Idaho's Highways Wildlife Friendly

Idaho's roadways represent formidable challenges for our native wildlife that require linkage corridors between areas of important habitat. We must secure funding to conserve migratory corridors and the ability for animals to access priority winter range.

Speak Up to Protect Idahoans from Toxic Algae!

Toxic algae outbreaks continue to threaten public health across Idaho. Take action to ensure that dedicated funding is allocated for this important public health issue.

Amplify Youth Voices in Washington, D.C.!

Contact your elected officials today and ask them to pledge their support for the Biden Administration’s agreement to recover salmon. Then, ask them to vote for salmon funding in the President’s Budget.

Speak up for public lands and clean water by speaking out against the Mining Regulatory Clarity Act!

Let your Congressional representatives know that we need to strike a better balance so that drinking water supplies are protected from high risk mining projects, and communities and Tribes have a right of self-determination and a right to say no.

Urge your representatives to pledge their support for salmon abundance!

Recovering healthy and abundant salmon throughout the Columbia/Snake River Basins is a national priority. Now, we need members of Congress to pledge to support the actions needed to reach these goals.

Sign up for our weekly Legislative update!

Sign up for the update every Monday during the Legislative session.

Stand Up for Idaho's Fish!

If Idaho leaders don't stand up for Idaho's salmon and steelhead they will go extinct. Contact decision makers today!

Let's Defend Our Public Lands Together

Stay informed and help us protect Idaho's public lands and the fish and wildlife that depend on them.

Unite Against Climate Change

Add your name to our climate updates and let Idaho decision-makers know that action is needed for Idaho's climate.

Sign Up for Snake River Action Updates

Stay up to date and help us save the Snake River.

From the Blog

Federal Court in Idaho Says Wolf Trapping Likely to Harm Grizzlies

In a highly consequential and swiftly moving case, a federal judge issued a ruling in March that put the State of Idaho on notice that their single-minded focus on removing …

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